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Wrap your iPhone 8 Plus in this Speck Presidio Stay Clear case. Its polycarbonate outer shell and IMPACTIUM CLEAR lining provide 8 feet of drop protection while remaining slim and comfortable to handle. This Presidio Stay Clear case has a special coating that prevents yellowing from exposure to UV rays and skin oils.

In this photo, the slightly duller shot on the OnePlus 6 was able to capture the foggy San Francisco day more accurately than the iPhone X, which made the scene seem less dreary than it actually was. The same thing happens in this mural shot. The iPhone X's shot is more pleasing and vibrant, but the OnePlus 6 was more realistic. The OnePlus also has a Pro-mode in the default camera app, which gives you more control over things like ISO, focus, and color temperature. To get this on the iPhone X you'd have to download a third-party app.

Winner: General shots look better on the iPhone X, but the OnePlus 6 gives you more control over the shot, as well as editing options if you're willing to put in a bit of work, The differences between the two phones are more pronounced when it comes to recording video, The OnePlus 6 has a lot more contrast and shake, while video on the iPhone X looks smoother and the transitions in light are more subtle, When shooting at 60 frames per second, either at 1,080P or 4K, the OnePlus 6 relies on optical stabilization (OIS), and at other frame rates it's using electronic image stabilization (EIS), The iPhone X also has OIS, but presidio stay clear case for apple iphone 6s plus, 7 plus and 8 plus - clear when recording at 1,080P and 720P it uses what Apple calls "cinematic video stabilization" to help keep the shot steady..

They both record slow motion at 240 fps in full HD. The iPhone X's shot looks a bit clearer and smoother, but only the OnePlus has a super-slow-motion option of 480 fps at 720P, which can look more dramatic. Winner: Video on the iPhone X looks smoother and cleaner, but the OnePlus will help you get a more dramatic slow-motion effect. You can take a look for yourself by clicking on the video below. If you're planning to zoom in while shooting video, the iPhone X is the obvious choice. The OnePlus 6 relies on digital zoom, while the iPhone X uses the second telephoto lens as an optical zoom that's able to capture a much sharper shot.

For stills, the digital zoom on the OnePlus is actually able to hold its own, At 2X, both phones produce great-looking shots, It's only when you increase the magnification that you're able to see that the iPhone X is able to capture more detail, Winner: The iPhone X is the clear winner in this category, especially when it presidio stay clear case for apple iphone 6s plus, 7 plus and 8 plus - clear comes to video, The iPhone X also uses the telephoto lens for portraits, which means you'll get a narrower field of view when you're in this mode, with a lot of details in the face..

The OnePlus has a second 20MP lens dedicated to portraits, so it can get a much wider shot that has that blurred-background effect with a more dramatic blur. This works great when you want to capture more than just a subject's face. In general the iPhone X is a bit more accurate at discerning what to blur, but it's by no means perfect. Meanwhile the OnePlus 6 gets a little hazy around the edges. Neither one nails the color temperature though. The iPhone X makes people look slightly redder, with more contrast, while the OnePlus 6 washes out skin tones.

Winner: This one is kind of a toss-up because results weren't always consistent, and it depends on what type of portraits you plan to take, We personally liked the wider angle on the OnePlus, even though faces tended to look better on the iPhone X, Both phones also have portrait mode on the front camera and use software to create the blur, But getting the effect on the iPhone X is tough, and another person in the shot can get blurred out, as you can see below, The blur on the OnePlus 6 was more consistent, and it looks a lot sharper, thanks to a 16MP camera (compared with the iPhone X's presidio stay clear case for apple iphone 6s plus, 7 plus and 8 plus - clear 7MP)..

We prefer the warmer skin tones captured by the iPhone X, but the wider angle on the OnePlus 6 lets you fit more into the shot. And the OnePlus 6 doesn't flip your selfie, so it's basically a mirror image of what you're taking. But for video, it's the opposite. The OnePlus 6 gets a bit too close for comfort and the contrast makes things seem harsh, while the iPhone X's image is more flattering. Winner: The OnePlus wins this category for its wider angle and sharper shot, but be warned that video on the front camera can get a bit too close for comfort. If your priority is video on the front camera, you might be better off going with the iPhone X.

Next we took the phones to the 29Rooms exhibit at the San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts to test the phones under less ideal lighting conditions, Both phones produced sharp photos with great colors even in the dimly lit hall at the exhibit, Some shots look better on the OnePlus 6, with more detail, while others look better on the iPhone X, There was no clear winner in this category, at least with stills, Video in low presidio stay clear case for apple iphone 6s plus, 7 plus and 8 plus - clear light tells a completely different story, The clip shot on the iPhone X looks a lot sharper and smoother, while the one shot on the OnePlus looks grainy and washed out, Neither were great at capturing the jazz singer in our clip, but if we had to choose, we'd probably go with the iPhone X, as the OnePlus 6 blew out the louder notes..

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