Ballet Teacher Gift-dance Instructor Gift- Gift Ideas For Dancers- Gifts For Dance Teachers- Ballet Shoes Bangle-ballet Jewelry- - Free Shipping

Ballet Teacher GIFT- Gifts for Dance Instructors-Beautiful -Ballet Jewelry to give as a gift at the Dance Recital.- The price of this item is for one bangle.This stunning charm bracelet is the perfect gift or presents for a Dance teachers and instructors.Includes-*Love teach Inspire Heart Pendant*Rhinestone Initial(Stainless round initial and script available upon request)*Toe Shoe Charm*Pearl or birthstoneAdjustable, Expandable Bangle Bracelet in Stainless steel. (Fits 7-8" Wrist) I do have smaller banglesif needed.Each item comes nicely packaged in a baby blue organza bag, ready for gift giving.Please allow 5-7 days for shipping as these are custom made.All material is copyright © 2009 My Blue Snowflake. All rights reserved.To view all our designs, please visit: you for shopping at my Blue Snowflake :)

Are you a seasoned runner looking for more local races? Has your running been sporadic lately and you need motivation? Would you like to join up with other runners with similar struggles and similar goals?. Parents: do you want your running and fitness goals to be a family and community affair? Do you want to teach your children to learn a healthy lifelong activity?. On October 27th Pacifica Runners presented the Cabrillo Podiatry Group Halloween 5k and Kids’ Run. Over 90 runners showed up to Rockaway Beach on a chilly Sunday morning dressed in Halloween costumes ranging from the runaway bride and the Incredible Hulk to Nacho Libre. Both kids and adults ran along the beach trail of Rockaway and the Quarry paths cheering each other along. Halfway through, runners were greeted by a team of supporters from Herbalife who supplied a water station and loud shouts of encouragement. After crossing the finish line, kids received a “5k” toe token to put on their shoelaces to remember their accomplishment and show off to friends. They also received a candy-free goodie bag with Halloween themed goodies. Water was available for all finishers thanks to Fresh and Easy. All participants were entered into raffles and 17 prizes including a Zamzee fitness monitor for kids, Zamzee flashlight, hairbands, running compression socks, a San Francisco themed hat, and gift certificates to RoadID, Keren Smith’s dog-sitting and Angie Major’s dance lessons were awarded. The festivities ended with a 0.14 mile kids’ run where the kids were split into 2 teams and ran 2 at a time out and back. After slapping the hand of the next runner, each kid received a medal to wear around their necks and a goodie bag.

The first place winner was Liz Louie at a time of 20:44, Brian Sansot (age 9) came in second, followed by Liam Milby (age 9) in third, Results of the run can be found at, The first Pacifica newsletter came out in September packed with ballet teacher gift-dance instructor gift- gift ideas for dancers- gifts for dance teachers- ballet shoes bangle-ballet jewelry- information, There were articles for the beginner, tips on training, as well as those looking to improve their half marathon time, A 3.1-mile route within Pacifica was highlighted, Capping it off was a full calendar of upcoming bay area events listing over 30 runs from Tiburon to San Mateo..

Each newsletter will also highlight local Pacifica runners. The September issue spotlight was on 7-year-old Brady Nemes whose next goal is “to be the fastest person on Earth.” Pacifica Mayor Len Stone was also interviewed and shared why he doesn’t listen to music when he runs. “I tend to get clarity on things when I’m running. A lot of times solutions to a problem at work or a challenge in the city will pop in my head when I’m in the middle of a run. Running really sharpens my focus.” With a Mayor who runs to clear his head and Brady aiming to be faster than any Olympian, Pacifica Runners is off to a great start.

One of the goals of the club is to partner with local businesses to keep down overall costs for members, Businesses have the opportunity to sponsor a run, for which the run will be named after their business, The run is listed on multiple sites and locations providing exposure to the business, They may include coupons, menus, advertisements in packets given to adult participants, They receive a custom plaque commemorating their run, Their name then goes into the ballet teacher gift-dance instructor gift- gift ideas for dancers- gifts for dance teachers- ballet shoes bangle-ballet jewelry- Pacifica Runners quarterly newsletter and website, To top it off, all of the donation is tax deductible! Businesses may also donate in a smaller way by giving a gift certificate or item to be raffled off at a run, which is also tax deductible..

Pacifica Runners Events. On October 7, Pacifica Runners offered a free running clinic for members. Franz Dill, a certified running coach, ultra-marathon runner and assistant director of the Half Moon Bay International Marathon shared his road to running and answered questions from both beginning and seasoned runners. The clinic concluded with running drills with the help of fellow RRCA coach, Kristin Steadman. The clinic was a huge success, inspiring all who attended. On November 10 local fitness author Wini Linguvic hosted Yoga for Runners at Ocean Yoga. This clinic will be both for new and experienced runners interested in learning some practical tips to help increase mobility and prevent injury. Space is limited for this members-only workshop, so be sure to register early by emailing

“A Taste of Kenya,” sponsored by Cheza Nami Foundation Inc., will feature Kenyan music, dance and artists showcasing their literary works and musical talents, The family event will be held at the Bothwell Arts Center at 2466 Eighth St, from 3 p.m, to 6 p.m, In a phone interview from Nairobi, founder Catherine Ndungu-Case said the organization’s mission is teaching African art and culture through interactive music and dance, The aim is “to give people the opportunity to visit and have conversations ballet teacher gift-dance instructor gift- gift ideas for dancers- gifts for dance teachers- ballet shoes bangle-ballet jewelry- with artists who are from Kenya, to show art that most people (here) don’t have a chance to see,” said Chase who will return to the Bay Area in time to participate in the event, Artists who will be featured are..

“A Taste of Kenya,” sponsored by Cheza Nami Foundation Inc., will feature Kenyan music, dance and artists showcasing their literary works and musical talents. The family event will be held at the Bothwell Arts Center at 2466 Eighth St. from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. In a phone interview from Nairobi, founder Catherine Ndungu-Case said the organization’s mission is teaching African art and culture through interactive music and dance. The aim is “to give people the opportunity to visit and have conversations with artists who are from Kenya, to show art that most people (here) don’t have a chance to see,” said Chase who will return to the Bay Area in time to participate in the event. Artists who will be featured are.

But just “showing support,” wasn’t good enough for the Sophomore Class Council, whose members decided a more personal touch was needed, “We wanted to do something that would touch hearts,” says CHS religion teacher and sophomore class adviser Lindy Sullivan, The girls came up with a plan that would not only show support for breast cancer “fighters” in their ballet teacher gift-dance instructor gift- gift ideas for dancers- gifts for dance teachers- ballet shoes bangle-ballet jewelry- own community, but make sure the patients would know they had some very real friends on their side..

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