Lovecases Pretty In Pastel iPhone 8 Denim Design Case - Pink - Free Shipping

Protect your iPhone 8 in style with the LoveCases Pretty in Pastel cover in pink. A stylish, sleek denim fabric design meets a hard-wearing, durable frame to create a case that's not only highly fashionable, but highly protective, too.Denim-style design for a classic, vintage lookSure, your iPhone 8 is an invaluable smart companion, but it's also an important statement. Your phone has to look great every day, and there's no better case to communicate that than the LoveCases Pretty in Pastel. Sporting a denim-style fabric design in a sturdy, durable snap-on frame, the Pretty in Pastel case is a smart, simple (but not simplistic!) and sexy statement of intent.Hard-wearing protection for everyday bumps and scrapesLest you think this case is just a pretty face, think again (although it is most certainly a pretty face). The durable, well-made frame of this case protects your iPhone from bumps, scrapes and scratches, ensuring that your device looks and feels as great to use as it did on day one.Snap-on frame makes installation effortlessAttaching the Pretty in Pastel to your iPhone 8 is an absolute cinch. Simply click your device into the snug frame, and the case will wrap itself around your phone with ease. Made specifically for your device, the Pretty in Pastel is a perfect fit.Lightweight case keeps your iPhone 8 safe but slimThiswallet case is designed to complement the new iPhone 8 designs, for a classic andclassy appearance. The material used is slim yet tough and highly durable, offering premium protection for your iPhone 8 against scratches, scrapes and minor impacts, while adding the classic look and feel associated with denim.Made specifically for the iPhone 8The Olixar Denim WalletCase is made specifically for the iPhone 8, so you can be sure of a perfect fit. The case also features cut-outs so you can still access the camera and charging ports without having to sacrifice protection by removing your phone from the case.

Last month Google released a Developer's Preview of Android P. You can read about it here. CNET Magazine: Check out a sample of the stories in CNET's newsstand edition. Rebooting the Reef: CNET dives deep into how tech can help save Australia's Great Barrier Reef. With the release of Google's spring wallpapers, some folks are seeing hints that the next Android mobile OS -- now up to letter P -- will be called Popsicle. Read what you will into this, but one of the wallpapers in Google's new spring collection is an image of popsicles. Could it be Google dropping a hint that the P in its next-generation Android P mobile OS will stand for Popsicle?.

"It was like having a new-born baby, but it's even harder, because you weren't expecting it," she told me, Life suddenly became about monitoring, calculating, injecting, and planning around eating, exercise and school -- all on no sleep and all totally out of the blue, That cute bag that Ruby (name changed to protect her privacy) carries with her at all times? It houses a Dexcom glucose monitor and a pack of glucose tablets, which work in conjunction with the sensor attached to her arm and the insulin pump plugged into her stomach, The final lovecases pretty in pastel iphone 8 denim design case - pink item in her bag was an iPhone 5S..

The content's of Ruby's bag. It's unusual for such a young child to have a smartphone. But Ruby's iPhone, which connects via Bluetooth to her Dexcom monitor, allowing Kathryn to read it remotely, illustrates the way technology has transformed the management of diabetes from an entirely manual process -- pricking fingers to measure blood sugar, writing down numbers in a notebook, calculating insulin doses and injecting it -- to a semi-automatic one. It removes a lot of the guesswork involved with the timing and calculation of insulin doses by providing detailed, almost real-time monitoring of blood sugar levels.

Diabetes is not a small problem, Nearly 10 percent of the US population -- just over 30 million people in total -- are affected by the disease, Of those, 1.25 million Americans have type 1 diabetes, which puts them at risk of slipping into a fatal coma at any time and for which there's no cure, Instead, patients must treat and manage the disease, in which the body produces little or no insulin to regulate lovecases pretty in pastel iphone 8 denim design case - pink blood sugar levels, as best they can every day for the rest of their lives, For all people with type 1 diabetes -- often diagnosed in childhood -- and for some with type 2, this means injecting themselves with insulin on a regular basis..

It was Ruby's case that inspired me to look into diabetes and how technology has made treatment less of a pain. Blood sugar levels can now be read almost in real time by devices such as continuous glucose monitors and insulin supplied via a pump continuously fixed to the body. A diabetes pump means no injections, but does mean carrying the tech round your waist at all times. But tech is not a complete panacea. To start with, the most advanced tech isn't always available to everyone, and millions around the world don't have access to even basic gear like blood-glucose testing machines, according to Elizabeth Rowley, founder of charity T1International. It's led to some people "hacking" their equipment to take advantage of new capabilities.

It also adds new layers of complication to an already complicated disease, "Technology is great as it gives us lots more information, but it doesn't take diabetes away and it doesn't take the management of diabetes away," lovecases pretty in pastel iphone 8 denim design case - pink said Libby Dowling, who is senior clinical adviser at Diabetes UK and who has 11 years of experience as a children's diabetes nurse, Pumps, which negate the need for injections, can also fail as the areas they're attached to gradually become insulin-resistant, meaning they have to be changed, which takes time, Having reams of data accessible might give an accurate snapshot of what's going on in the body, but it also increases the number of decisions you need to make, Real-time availability of the data can lead some parents to compulsively check on their child's blood sugar, in the same way many people do with social media..

"Parents find it really reassuring knowing that they can check in on what their child is up to and what their levels are and all that kind of thing," said Dowling. "But it can also increase anxiety."When Ruby was diagnosed, Kathryn was warned by doctors not to be a perfectionist about monitoring and decision making. "The more tech you have, the more complicated it gets," she said. "We have chargers coming out of our ears."And yet, she tells me: "The good hugely outweighs the bad for us -- by a huge margin."Even in Australia, where Kathryn's family is based, the wait for new tech to actually become available is frustrating for well-informed parents who want and can afford the best possible care for their children.

One example Kathryn gave me is the lack of ability to connect an Apple Watch's cellular capability to the Dexcom G5 glucose monitor (it can only be used lovecases pretty in pastel iphone 8 denim design case - pink with Bluetooth via an iPhone.) Ruby's older sister, Lucy (name also changed), was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes eight months later, and uses the Dexcom G5, too, Being able to monitor the girls from her wrist is high on Kathryn's wish list of improvements she'd like to see in diabetes tech, There are people who are unwilling to wait, and who embrace unorthodox methods, (You can find them on Twitter via the hashtag #WeAreNotWaiting.)..

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